A History of Scholarship
Below is a list of all of my publications, pre-prints, and upcoming work, including my research work in fish ecology and patents from my time in coronary stent R&D.
* indicates a student mentee coauthor
Peer-Reviewed \ Proceedings & Theses \ Upcoming \ Patents
The PDF links will download a full-text. The DOI links to the permanent journal or preprint page (many of which are paywalled), or to my ResearchGate for pieces without online presence. Patents and applications link to Google Patents. If you have any problems downloading a paper don't hesitate to contact me.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
*Moraes, Carine G., Jens C. Hegg, Tommaso Giarrizzo, Marcelo C. Andrade. “Feeding behavior and trophic niche partitioning between the Neotropical otter Lontra longicaudis and Giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis from the Xingu River, Amazon Basin” Hydrobiologia (May 2021) 1-11 DOI: 10.1007/s10750-021-04614-w
Hegg, Jens C., Brian P. Kennedy. “Let’s Do the Time Warp Again: Non-linear time-series matching as a tool for mining temporally structured data in ecology” Ecosphere (September 2021) 12(9):e03742 DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3742
Hegg, Jens C., *Breanna Graves, Chris M. Fisher. “Sawfish, Read in Tooth and Saw: rostral teeth as endogenous chemical records of movement and life-history in a critically endangered species” Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (June 2021) 1-14 DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3635
Chittaro, Paul M., Hegg, Jens C., Kennedy, Brian P., Weitkamp, Laurie A., Johnson, Lyndal L., Bucher, Cynthia, Zabel, Richard W. “Juvenile river residence and performance of Snake River fall Chinook salmon” Ecology of Freshwater Fish (February 2019) 28(3) 396-410 DOI: 10.1111/eff.12462
Hegg, Jens C., Jonathan Middleton, Ben Luca Robertson. “The Sound of Migration: Exploring data sonification as a means of interpreting multivariate salmon movement datasets.” Heliyon (February 2018) vol. 4(2) e00532 DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00532
Hegg, Jens C., Brian P. Kennedy, Paul Chittaro. “What did you say about my mother? The complexities of maternally derived chemical signatures in otoliths.” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (published on web April 12, 2018) DOI 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0341.
Hegg, Jens C., Tomasso Giarrizzo, Brian P. Kennedy. “Diverse Early Life-History Strategies in Migratory Amazonian Catfish: Implications for Conservation and Management”. PLOS One (July 2015) 10(7). DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0129697
Hegg, Jens C., Brian P. Kennedy, Paul M. Chittaro, and Richard W. Zabel. "Spatial structuring of an evolving life-history strategy under altered environmental conditions." Oecologia (February 2013) 1-13. DOI 10.1007/s00442-012-2564-9
Hegg, Jens C., Brian P. Kennedy, Alex K. Fremier. “Predicting fish location using otoliths and bedrock geology: Understanding the effects of geologic heterogeneity”. Chemical Geology 360 (October 2013) 89-98. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.10.010
Proceedings, Dissertations, and Theses
Robertson, Ben Luca, Jonathan Middleton, Jens C. Hegg. “Multi-channel spatial sonification of Chinook salmon migration patterns in the Snake River watershed”. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Sound and Music Computing Conference 1:497–502. Maynooth, Ireland, (July 2015) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1523.1843 (DOI inks to entire proceedings publication as PDF. Peer-reviewed paper only at PDF link)
Hove, Mark C., Daniel J. Hornbach, Leda A. Cunningham, Katie G. Esse, Jens C. Hegg, Tomas W. Hermanson, Jennifer C. Mann. “Long term changes in mussel populations of the St Croix River”Proceedings of the Mississippi River Research Consortium (2000) April 13-14; La Crosse (WI): Volume 32 p 43.

Upcoming Manuscripts and Preprints
Hegg, Jens C., Chris M. Fisher, Jeffery D. Vervoort. “Simultaneous determination of 87Sr/86Sr and trace-element data in otoliths and other sclerochronological hard structures” (In review, Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Preprint at BiorXive.) DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.24.060640
Paul Chittaro, Jens C. Hegg, Abby Fuhrman, Devin Robichaux, RothBoury Doung, Brian Beckman, Chris Fisher, Jeff Vervoort. “The contribution of environmentally-derived isotopes in early otolith formation.” (In prep for Can. J. Fish & Aq. Sc.)
Hegg, Jens C., *Kat Gillies-Rector, Brian P. Kennedy, Paul Chittaro, Richard W. Zabel, William P. Connor. “Abiotic and biotic effects on successful life history strategies under variable environmental conditions” (In prep for Can. J. Fish & Aq. Sc. Ph.D. Chapter)
*Kat Gillies-Rector, Jens C. Hegg, Brian P. Kennedy. “Spatial Variation in Natal River Rearing and Downstream Movement in Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon” (In prep for Transactions of the American Fisheries Society)
Patents and Applications
Hegg, Jens, and Michael P. Meyer. "Bifurcation stent and balloon assemblies." U.S. Patent #8,118,861, issued Feb. 21, 2012.
Hegg, Jens, and Michael P. Meyer. "Bifurcated stent." U.S. Patent #7,833,264, issued Nov. 16, 2010.
Hegg, Jens. "Displaceable stent side branch structure." U.S. Patent #7,744,643, issued June 29, 2010.
Eidenschink, Tracee, Todd Bethel, Thomas E. Broome, Gordon J. Kocur, Jens Hegg, and Michael P. Meyer. "Ratcheting Bio Cell Designs." U.S. Patent Application #20080281395-A1, filed May 7, 2007.
Meyer, Michael P., Thomas E. Broome, Amnon Yadin, Daniel Gregorich, Kevin Grotheim, and Jens Hegg. "Bifurcation Stent Design with Over Expansion Capability." U.S. Patent Application #20080177377-A1, filed Oct. 16, 2007.