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Notice in Popular Media

My research on various aspects of fish ecology has been covered in the news locally, regionally and abroad, in print and on the radio.

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Leigh Cooper “Sawfish Teeth as GPS: Chemical Makeup of Teeth Could Lead to Better Protection for Critically Endangered Fish” About Us, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho. April 2020

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“If we know where the fish are during specific times of the year or during certain points of their lives, we can protect their migration paths or set aside nursery grounds,” said Jensen Hegg, an analytical lab manager and postdoctoral researcher at the U of I’s Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences."

Alexis Van Horn “Finding fish scales: UI alumnus chosen for a Fulbright award to Brazil” The Argonaut, Moscow, ID. May 1, 2019

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College of Natural Resources “College of Natural Resources Alum Receives Fulbright to Brazil” University of Idaho News, March 27, 2019

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Davenport, Kevin. “Symphony of the salmon: How scientists are learning by putting fish migration to music”Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho. July 9, 2018.

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"What if you could compose music to understand how salmon migrate through rivers? A team of researchers from the University of Idaho and Eastern Washington University have found a way to do just that...To examine that migration in a completely new way, researchers used music to analyze huge amounts of salmon location data collected from the inner ears of fish, according to a report published in the journal Heliyon. “We’re just getting tons and tons of rich data and we’re looking for better ways to visualize it,” says Jens Hegg..."

Fosset, Jim. “Researchers give salmon their songs” Northern Kittitas Country Tribune, Cle Elum, Washington. March 15, 2018. (Print only)

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"In his interdisciplinary thesis he set out to show that pairing the chemicals in salmon and rivers with musical notes, tones and chords produces a salmon song. That song allows listeners to explore gigabytes of data for clues that will lead researchers to the answers they seek.


In his project, Hegg argues that because of the way the human brain functions, it is quicker and easier for a person to process reams of data represented by musical notes, tones and chords than it is to process reams of data represented by complex numbers, charts and graphs."

Crampton, Bill. “Study: Listening to data – sonification – could be best way to track salmon migration”Columbia Basin Bulletin, Bend Oregon. February 23, 2018.

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"In a new study researchers have turned chemical data that shows salmon migration patterns into sound. The approach - called sonification - enables even untrained listeners to interpret large amounts of complex data, providing an easier way to interpret 'big data.'"

Flatt, Courtney. “Tracking salmon migration through music” Oregon Public Broadcasting, Portland, Oregon. Feb 21, 2018.

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"Salmon researchers are turning to sound to learn more about the fish they’re trying to understand...There is a lot of data about salmon out there, and that data is complex and hard to process. But researchers hope setting fish migration patterns into notes and tones can make it easier to analyze."

Ferreira, Micheline. “Em busca do espadarte amazônico: Pequisadores vão reveler mistério do gigante fantasma da Amazônia” Amazônia Viva, Belém, Brazil. July 11, 2017, ed.71, pp. 44-46.

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"Ele tem aquele jeitão bem assusador. De fato possui uma aparencia horrenda, que gera medo e pavor, e ainda por cima tambem pode ser confundido com um tubarão. Mas o nosso amazônida peixe-serra ou espadarte vai em breve deixar de ser um fantasma, aquele ilustre desconhecido da cominidade científica mundial, a partir de um projectoo de cooperação international entre as Universidades Federal do Pará (UFPA) e Maranhão (UFMA) e a University of Idaho, dos Estados Unidos, que pretende detalhar boa parte da vida desse gigante amazônico, criticamente ameaçado de extinção."

English – "It has a pretty scary look. In fact it has a horrendous appearance, which generates fear and dread, and on top of that can also be mistaken for a shark. But our Amazonian sawfish, or swordfish, will soon cease to be a ghost, that illustrious unknown of the world scientific community, due to a project of international cooperation between the Federal Universities of Pará (UFPA) and Maranhão (UFMA) and University of Idaho, which plans to detail much of the life of this critically endangered Amazon giant."

Barker, Eric. “Researchers hope to use ear bones, other data to study Amazon catfish” Lewiston Morning Tribune, Idaho. Oct. 7, 2016.

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"Idaho's salmon and steelhead make remarkable journeys covering hundreds of miles during their upriver migration to spawning grounds, but the distance pales in comparison to Amazonian catfish that can swim more than 3,000 miles inland."

Walker, Jodie. “Catfish research relies on inter-continental partnerships” Here We Have Idaho. Univeristy of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Fall Issue 2015

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"From the landlocked Palouse, researchers are using new technology to uncover details of one of the world’s longest and least understood migrations, which could aid the conservation of giant Amazonian fish."

Bamer, Erin. “Definitely Not Nessie: UI graduate student researches migration of Amazonian catfish” The Argonaut. University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. July 21, 2015.

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